Saturday 28 June 2014


A periscope is an optical instrument with which a person can see around corners and other obstractions. It consists of a long tube with a reflecting mirror or prism at each end. The reflecting surfaces are parallel to one another. They are arranged at an angle of 450  inside the tube. Periscopes are important instruments used in submarines and tanks. They are also used by soldiers in the battlefield.
  • Take a cardboard tube and two small mirrors. Use a small hacksaw to cut a section near each end of the tube. First make a horizontal cut to about 3/4 of the diameter of the tube. Now make two cuts at 450 to the horizontal cuts. Use a 450  set-square for guidance while making these cuts. 

  • Glue the mirrors in places where the sloping cuts have been made. The silvered surfaces of the mirror should face each other so that light can pass through the instrument. 

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