Thursday 26 June 2014


Green plants use energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce oxygen and food. This process is called photosynthesis. To demonstrate the process of photosynthesis, green plants can be used and the oxygen produced can be collected in a test tube. 

  •  Buy a couple of plants suitable for a fresh-water aquarium from any nursery.

  •  Fill the test tube with water and keeping it under water, slide it sideways over the funnel.

  •  Position the funnel and the test tube over the water plants. At this stage, the test tube should still be full with water. Put the trough in a sunny place and observe It for about three hours. The oxygen gas will come out from the plants In the form of tiny bubbles and rise up Into the test tube.

  • Test this gas by burning a strip of magnesium, which bums more brightty in the test tube, confirming the presence of oxygen. 

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